Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 3, 2020



Buying gifts to give to loved ones is something that many tourists visiting  France  wonder about. 

What to buy in France?
Great choices for travelers visiting France

What to buy in France?

France is famous for many beautiful scenes and airy living space. Tourists coming to France can choose the ideal discovery places in this country. Besides, you should enjoy the fascinating food here and manually choose for your loved ones the most attractive gift. Here are the gifts you can refer to.
1. Clothes
Tourists  in France  can come to some leading fashion brands such as Boss, Hugo, Yves, Zara, ... to choose their favorite clothes. The products here are not too expensive but the quality is very good. Therefore, you can buy as gifts for your loved ones.
2. Perfume
What to buy in France?
Perfume with a charming aroma
French perfume with Chanel brand is a great gift that is loved by many people. Visitors can buy genuine fragrances in Grass City, Sephora stores, Printemps, Gallery de Lafayette, ... The price in Sephora tower is higher than the rest because the tax here is lower.
3. Eyeglasses
Glasses with famous brands are favored by many tourists. Depending on the style of each person, you can choose the right type of glasses. Tourists should go to shopping areas like Rue de Rivoli, Champs Elysees to choose the right product.
4. Mont Mont wallet
This type of wallet is uniquely designed with a lot of different designs. This wallet is decorated with diamonds and lots of other gems. If tourists love the elegance and elegance, they can choose products as gifts when traveling to  France .
5. French wine
What to buy in France?
The wines are a lot of tourists choose.
This wine is originated from many old wine-producing regions such as Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhône valley, ... In each different region, the wine will have its own flavor with a unique recipe. This is the right product for you to send to your loved ones.
6. Hermes belts
For elegant gentlemen, this belt is an extremely suitable choice. The product is made of genuine leather with modern technology. The longer you use the belt, the more durability will increase, especially the smooth shine. Simple product design, elegance and sophistication.
7. French Bread
Many tourists love French bread because of its particularly delicious taste. The crispy crust used with pate or a glass of hot chocolate for breakfast is great. Visitors can enjoy many other types of bread in the country such as Bâtard bread, Ficelle bread, Flute bread, ...
8. Phomai
What to buy in France?
Souvenirs are a great choice for travelers.
With over 500 types of cheese with different flavors, this is a very unique gift that many visitors choose to gift. Products made from natural ingredients with delicious taste hard to resist. Phomai will be a great gift for your friends and relatives.
9. French souvenirs
These souvenirs are contained in a Macaron cake-shaped jewelry box. Products are sold in souvenir shops of France. Tourists in  France  can buy a CD, Montmartre hill music box, caricatures, magical paintings of French painters, etc.
10. Souvenirs from lavender
Lavender products are loved by many people. This is a famous flower in France. Tourists come here in addition to taking photos with flowers, you can choose the types of aromatic bags, essential oils, dried flowers, ... sold popular in this country.
Above are the items that tourists can choose when traveling to  France . Besides exploring different locations, don't forget to take photos and shop for products that are right for you.

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