Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 3, 2020


Du Lịch Úc Mùa Nào Đẹp Nhất? Thời Tiết Ở Úc Có Gì Đặc Biệt?

Travel to Australia the most beautiful season? This is a question that anyone planning to visit this country is interested in. The weather in Australia is somewhat different from our country when the summer season starts in December and the winter season ends in August. Understanding the weather situation in the country in the southern half of the southern hemisphere will help you have pleasant trip.
Best time to visit Australia
Because Australia is located in the southern half of the southern hemisphere, the seasons will be opposite to the countries in the northern hemisphere like Vietnam. Specifically, spring will fall from September to November, summer from December to February, autumn from March to May and winter from June to August. The exact weather type will depend on the weather. each area. 
So the best time to visit Australia depends on the area you are going to. The northern half of Australia has the warmest climate from April to September. This is a great time for you to go to the beaches for swimming in cool waters or strolling in lush green national parks cool. From October to March is the weather here becomes wet with many showers.
The southern half of Australia, the summer months bring hot weather. Autumn is pleasant with countless interesting festivals. Winter usually attracts visitors with a mild climate, ideal for hiking. And spring is a good time to visit the wildlife activities. 

So which season is the best to travel to Australia?

Let's take a look at the situation of each season in Australia to consider the best season to travel to Australia.


Spring is a time when the weather is warmer with the proliferation of flowers. The most prominent one is the Floriade Flower Festival held in Canberra, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors. You will admire a huge picture of flowers with all kinds of spring flowers such as tulip, narcissus, purple daisies, violets ... Spring is also a popular season for getting married when 37% of couples get married in this time last year. 
If you ask to travel Australia best season, Intertour would like to be nominated spring.


Summer is a time for you to relax on the beaches, play with the waves or take a stroll in the big national parks. If traveling at this time, you should avoid outdoor activities at noon, when the heat rises to the peak. It is best to have fun in the morning and evening and always drink enough water to keep the body in the best state during the trip. 


* Visit Australia Fall 2020 tour  here .
Autumn is a transition season between summer and winter, so the temperature is usually mild, neither too hot nor too cold. This is the time you witness the Australian change of new shirt color when the leaves simultaneously turn the characteristic red and yellow. In addition to the familiar colors, the autumn of Australia also makes a different impression by the purple of the Jacaranda phoenix tree, creating a unique picture with a romantic taste. When traveling to Australia, the best season, autumn is also another ideal recommendation of Intertour to you.


* Australia Winter Tour 2020 refer  here . 
The winter landscape in Australia is a white snow, thick on the roads, the roof. The ski resorts are open at most tourist attractions, attracting many visitors to participate in leisure activities such as skiing, snowboard - big board skating, toboggan - sitting on ice sleds, sitting on cables hanging and admiring the panoramic view of a white. In addition, this is also the time for festivals, fairs and exhibitions with unique performances. This season will be beautiful for those who like the pristine beauty of the snow.
As such, the best season to visit Australia depends on the feelings and preferences of each person. If you love the splendid beauty of flowers and grass, you should come in the spring. If you fall in love with the golden red of the conifer or dreamy violet of the phoenix tree, then you should visit in the fall.

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